Unlock the Mysteries &
Find the Serene Simple Steps
to Creating Your Sacred Sanctuary Space
for Beauty, Connection & Joy!

Dreaming of a 'Me-Space' that simply feels Divine?

In this FREE guide: Divine Garden Design, you'll find the exact design guidance used in bespoke, high-end 1:1 design consulting work to help you create a sanctuary outdoor space for:

  • growing your sense and connection with the Divine around and within you

  • finding more joy and inspiration by cultivating with the energy of Sanctuary in your everyday

  • delighting in beauty that is scientifically proven to sustain and support you

  • tapping into wisdom, ritual and traditions to enrich your life, wellbeing, and growth

  • dong your part of stewardship of the planet by creating your healing sacred space

Get this guide and create a Sanctuary for self-discovery and care, wellness, beauty and joy!

In this guide, you'll find...

7 KEYS to unlock the Mysteries of Sanctuary

Channel the positive power of science, soul and style in these must-have 7 KEYS TO SANCTUARY MYSTERIES that will take the guess work and mystical out of creating your sacred sanctuary space to feel more deeply connected.

7 ARCHETYPES to support & inspire your Sanctuary design

Learn the 7 DIVINE FEMININE ARCHETYPES and which to use to transform your space into a personalized, productive and elevated healing space for deeper connection, wholeness, and joy.

7 SIMPLE STEPS to create your Sanctuary Garden Roadmap

Activate your Sanctuary Me-space with your unique ROADMAP aligned with your spiritual and personal needs and with the Divine in nature so you feel satisfied, inspired, and clear on your next practical steps.

Your sacredness is beautiful and needs a safe place to just be.

Intimate enough for sacred connection,
expansive enough for your personal growth,

and a divinely delightful reflection of you.


Sanctuary is your natural habitat and it's time to come home to YOU.

Hi Friend! For 25+ years, I've run a healing garden and Sanctuary design consultancy, helping change thousands of people's worlds through distinctive landscape design, research, coaching and guidance by weaving
science & soul + creative instinct + personal growth & wellness principles.

My own journey embracing the magic of the healing connection with nature and my highly-sensitive manner has inspired my "Red Bird" distinctive process...
The Sanctuary S.E.L.F. Solution.

By empowering women to make “Me Space” for THEMSELVES, we've seen firsthand here at Red Bird & Co. how this portal opens an empowered, deeper level of self-care, manifestation and fulfillment in the season of midlife.

This guide is intended to help you make make sense of the keys, inspirations, and steps to create that well-deserved intentional sacred space that brings you home to you and nourishes your connection with the Divine in nature where your wellbeing flourishes.


Unlock the Mysteries & Find the Serene Simple Steps to Creating Your Sacred Sanctuary Space for Beauty, Connection & Joy!

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