Take Nature up on Her offer...

Cultivate divine connection.

Nurture the Sanctuary within you.

Find sacred space for yourself & fill up.

It is time to Replenish.

Can you imagine what it would feel like each month, exploring and restoring with healing nature... finding renewal, deeper understanding for your growth, creative inspiration and joy... and allowing that to bring you back home to yourself?

Calling all sanctuary-curious, resilient, nature-hearted, birds of a feather, midlife-minded women who want their own time to...


a connection between their Sacred Self and the most abundant, liberating catalyst for growth, renewal and creativity...


to fill up and nurture feelings of

ease, calm, and JOY while being wildly inspired
to create sacred space for their work, wonderings, and Sanctuary Within.

Feel into this my fellow Second Act Sister because this is Red Bird's...

A new era soulful "garden club" community for
your midlife mastery wellbeing and sacred space making.

We take our senses, sanity, soul-blooming and Sanctuary spaces seriously.

(Whilie learning not to take ourselves too seriously, tho, k?)

This special place where garden design-personal empowerment-spiritual growth meet for "garden of you maintenance" and dive deep into creating and cultivating a sense and space of Sanctuary in Midlife.

Monthly we play, reflect, study and explore with a like-minded, like-hearted Sanctuary circle of seekers and share in awakenings, epiphanies, manifestations, guidance and lightening up.

Feel supported in your radiant restoration and Sanctuary sense inside through your connection with the Divine in nature outside.

Welcome in for our Sanctuary Social Club 2024 season,
its time for you come replenish with us.

That's right! Join us June through November in our sanctuary circle!
Our focus is replenish.

Here's why replenish and creating Sanctuary in your life is essential:

  • Taking an intentional deep-dive into space-making helps evolve your nervous system by engaging the enchanting interconnectedness of Sanctuary, design, self-care and personal growth.

  • Enriching your sense of adventure and applying knowledge and wisdom of the arts and sciences is precious for your heart, space and growth. In our time together, we'll weave women's empowerment literary works together with nature experiences and neuroaesthetic garden design trainings.

  • Exploring the mysticism and moving messages in Nature means you can bring this inspiration home to cultivate Sanctuary Within and around you on the daily.

That you've gotten this far, means yes, it's time for you to replenish...

Here's how replenish will work in your life...

This is your personal invitation...

A garden club like no other.
Sanctuary Social Club.

Afoot and afield of Sanctuary study.

A high [vibe] maintenance program & restorative recess for the garden of You.

Out here is where the Sanctuary Within you is replenished...

You’ll tap into, turn on, tune into: 

That explorHER energy of yours for the study, intent and essence of Sanctuary.

The sacred union of literature, landscape architecture, floriculture and community to nourish your being Sanctuary and creating from this wisdom.

Want that in simple terms? Each month, we'll:

  • Read a powerfully transformative book to open our hearts wide open.

  • Soak up an on-demand edu-inspirational seminar to inspire our spaces and blow our minds wide open.

  • Dig into a Divine Feminine-infused activity and magic to replenish our senses, sanity so we can fill our souls wide open.

  • Grow together in community to root deep in our embodiment and open up to the gifts of walking through this season of life together.

"Annie’s magic is from another world."

Annie has such a unique way of weaving together the elements especially flowers to help you create your magic and sense of sanctuary inside and out. I was blown away by my intuitive reading and immediately got to work on creating my space, hooked up with Flower Magic, to be a sacred space. If you want a secret weapon to reconnection, rediscovery and manifestation ... working with Annie is a must. - Sara, Business Hypnotherapist @SaraDrury


Sanctuary is your natural habitat and it's time to come home to YOU.

Hi Friend! I'm Annie Red Bird, Design Intuitive and Wellness Sanctuary Expert and for over 25 years, I’ve helped change thousands of people's worlds through distinctive landscape design and guidance creating inner and outer space for deeper connections, renewal, and well-being.

By empowering women to deeply care for themselves by MAKING “Me Space” -- HEALING Nature-infused SPACE for THEMSELVES, I’ve seen firsthand how this helps open to a more fulfilling, empowered next-level of self-care, manifestation and fulfillment in the season of midlife.

Our specially-curated Sanctuary Social Club program is intended to help you connect more deeply with the healing power of nature, cultivate deserved intentional sacred space for yourself that brings your home to you and bridge your way further INto your unique connection with the Divine in Nature.

Supporting you in cultivating Sanctuary as you do "the work", experience the "sandwich", bridge the gaps, and find your way to sustainable peace, beauty, and JOY, is my #midlifeWHYSis mission.

"You do a beautiful job of providing safe passage, not just for your clients, but the earth as well."

"You do a beautiful job of providing safe passage, not just for your clients, but the earth as well.""I’m excited about the 'restorative direction' the landscape will be moving in. I know, like all our projects it is the journey, the discovery, and the sheer joy it is to work closely with you that fills our spirit. And, speaking from the landscape’s point of view, the gratitude to be more in a place of balance with the environment and space. I am grateful and appreciative of your professional expertise, magic and friendship. Nos veremos pronto." - Ann E.

"You have amazing gifts - patience, creativity, humor, humility."

“You are ridiculously amazing. I’ve always believed things happen for a reason. I knew I hit the jackpot from our first phone conversation. You have amazing gifts - patience, creativity, humor, humility. I am grateful to you for everything.” - Jodi H.


  • Sanctuary Social (& Design) Club Community & Calls where you find belonging, support, encouragement. Share and exchange awarenesses and epiphanies, be in conversation with like-minded Sanctuary-seeking souls on topics of design, self-care, personal expansion and manifestation (a $1200 value)

  • Curated Sanctuary Book Club** of especially curated selection to engage themes, the community and content, broaden perspectives and nurture creative practices (a $600 value)

  • Bespoke Restorative Recesses*** in Nature or Garden locales to grow in syncing with the Divine in Nature - these curated experiences help to find, see, create, apply and bring back home design inspirations for your sacred space (a $1800 value)

  • On-Demand Edu-Inspirational Themed Design Seminars in the vault to watch when good for you and distilling easily applicable and synthesized information that advances scholarly and soulful understanding and healing of and with Sanctuary that changes your world (a $1800 value)

  • Flower Magic Lounge program for 6 months

    to open up to the Feminine Flora Force flower magic to support the feelings of connection, healing, and abundance - allowing the flower of the month to nurture your personal growth (a $900 value)

  • VIP Access with Annie where you ask anything, get laser design coaching and guidance typically reserved for 1:1 bespoke design and coaching clients all through a private chat app (a $900 value)

  • Occasional Guests as a Bonus! (well, amazingly priceless!)

*Sanctuary Social Club members retain access to all materials released during the 6-month purchase period and terms. Replays of all live calls are available during the 6-month purchase period. See Terms and Conditions for more.

**Sanctuary Social Club members are responsible for the procurement of the reading material and books for book club.

***Restorative Recesses are subject to change. All recesses are optional, and in some cases cost of attendance will be in an additional to the cost of the program, e.g., garden tours and mini retreat.


Join now for 6 months for $582.00 when paid in full****.

That's just $97/month!

Or (6) payments of $107, when paid monthly****:

****See Terms and Conditions for more information.

This is an exciting and exclusive small-group incubator opportunity for women and those who identify as female for 2024. When the slots fill, we’ll offer a wait list for next year.

Like Dana, your joyful soul will thank you for saying yes to a healing creative process that touches your entire life.

<< click play to hear more >>

“It felt really empowering to claim my sanctuary space inside and outside.

"This was about me claiming and taking up emotional and physical space for me. Giving myself permission to be present for the class work and the new community that came with this special "study".

Annie's guidance, her in depth knowledge of garden and landscape design, intuition and her magic connected all the dots for me. I’ve learned how to design for me, from within me and to continue to nurture my peace and wellbeing… and my own magic.” - Terrie, Clinical Meditation Practitioner
& Retired Nurse @positivevybes111


This intuitively-guided, personalized mentoring and intimate group experience is for you if…

  • You crave respite from the “noise” AND to reestablish connection between your true nature’s inner guidance system and the restorative pulse of the planet

  • You are seeking a deeper “self care” well to fill from for your spent senses and nature’s awe, peace and joy have always spoken to you as a pathway to your heart

  • You are ready to have the ever-abundant feminine energy within and around you flow sweetness, clarity, calm as a restored gentle power in your life

  • You’re curious about the healing that’s possible in and awakening to practices, design moves, and rituals to create sacred space that opens up a channel to the beauty of your inner sanctum

  • You’ve been laying the groundwork in this season of your life - doing “the work” - and are inviting all the parts of yourself back - all the way in, further and farther up - and restyling your life where fun and joy are your frequency focus

  • You’ve been uncovering what’s underneath the dust and debris piled up on your intuition and gifts, being brave, claiming your worthiness, and tuning into your intuition even before it makes sense (or is popular!)

  • You want to fly… and bring home the respite of nature’s sanctuary magic and mystery as your fortifying muse of balance and design

  • Your sovereignty is no longer a novelty played with by the media or outside influences, and you are embodying the Sanctuary of Who

  • You are open to Nature’s nurturance and nourishment, to the threads of thought leaders, to the seeds of self discovery, uncovery, mastery all to help you evolve your health, wealth and happiness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can't make the live calls, will I miss out?

Not to worry. Everything we do that has a live component will be recorded so you can watch at your leisure. And! We have our Voxer app - the text message channel where you can pop in and share, connect, and ask questions at a time convenient for you!

How much is Sanctuary Social Club?

The current price, when paid in full for a 6-month period to join the program is $582 which works out to $97/month.

In some instances, there may be an additional cost of attendance or materials for the optional Restorative Recesses, e.g., admission to a event, garden for touring and/or travel, food and personal expenses to attend the optional Sanctuary Social Club retreat.

Sanctuary Social Club patrons are responsible for the procurement / purchase of reading material and/or books for our Sanctuary book club.

How much time will I need to set aside for Sanctuary Social Club? I'm worried I might fall behind.

Thanks for asking this really good (and popular) question. In short, it's up to you on how much time you invest. The schedule offers flow - like summer camp meets a spa treatment - with options and a blend of independent time with community-together time. To keep things positive and you feeling a "return" on your investment, we are intentional about how much there is "to do" and are more focused on "how does it feel". This is an experience and one that has you at the center. What's most important is for you to receive what you know you can take in that will feel joyful and inspirational.

Sanctuary Social Club members retain access to all materials released during the 6-month purchase period and terms. Replays of all live calls are available during the 6-month purchase period. Access to all materials ceases when a patron ceases pay / be enrolled.

How long do I have access to Sanctuary Social Club?

As long as you are an active patron of SSC you retain access to the materials. Should you decide to cancel your patronage, you will no longer have access to the library of materials or the program. See Terms and Conditions for more information.

What's the refund policy?

In short, Sanctuary Social Club is non-refundable. Why? This is a private immersion into proprietary information not otherwise shared publically. Once you access the information, there's no undoing that. Being 100% sure of your enrollment is key. Send Annie any questions at

I don't have a Sanctuary garden yet - can I still come play in Sanctuary Social Club?

Absolutely! SSC is a place for nature-hearted and sanctuary-curious. What you'll learn and experience in SSC is transformational and supportive to finding, creating, and cultivating a sense of sanctuary within and around you in your daily living. Not everyone needs to have a garden to feel this way, right? Right. Plus, this is about finding a group to experience Sanctuary with and plug into the energies and essences to grow peace, joy, and wholeness. No garden necessary (but come time, you'll want to sign up for Sanctuary Design School!).

What are Ask-Me-Anything Open Office Hours with Annie Red Bird?

These virtual office hours are extra - a bonus and optional - and are open to the public, recorded only for internal use (e.g., recording not available to the public), are ask-me-anything style of Q&A about design, flower magic, sanctuary, etc., and typically convene for 30 mins each month. There is an option to submit your question in advance and questions are answered on a first come/first answered basis. Come, join in, ask your questions during this optional complimentary coaching session! Registration for calls is required. Past, present, and future design and coaching clients are welcome to attend to get extra Annie support/wisdom.

Who attends the Sanctuary Social Club Calls?

SSC calls are for paid members (and honorary members) only. They are an opportunity to work through specifics/questions from our seminar series, questions about or from sanctuary design school, flower magic lounge - specific to each person’s situation (rather than generalized on AMA Open Office Hours) — submitted for coaching and guidance. These calls are also our forum for book club, community building/bonding, sharing wins, asking for support, accountability (e.g., restorative recesses), and being in the flow(er) of maintaining the garden of you, aka "Sanctuary Within (tm)". These calls are a 1x register to get the link to all calls. Calls are recorded and a recording becomes available within 36 hours of each call. Registering for these calls is your agreement to being recorded. Please plan accordingly. These calls last approximately 60 mins and are the heart of the SSC community.

I have a question not listed here. Who do I speak to?

Great! Send an email to and ask your question! Easy peasy.


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Oh hi! You're still here? Yay!

If you want an easy and playful way into exploring Sanctuary within and around you, and a means to tend to the garden of you, you'll join us now in Sanctuary Social Club - the new era of "garden clubs" to be nurtured and natured.

ⓒ 2024 Acer Institute LLC & Red Bird & Co. | All rights reserved