DIVINE GARDEN DESIGN: Unlock the Mysteries to Creating Your Sacred Sanctuary Space

The Divine Garden Design Guide is here!
Create Your Sanctuary to Cultivate Joy, Resiliency & Connection

Sanctuary Social Club 2024: REPLENISH ENROLLING NOW! Welcome in!



Hi hi. Welcome to Red Bird & Co., the mothership for the distinct and transformational brands:
HER Sanctuary + Red Bird Restorative Gardens,
& Amabel Heer Farms

Hi! I’m Annie Red Bird (that’s a beloved nickname*) and I’m an entrepreneur, intuitive wellness space designer, aspiring flower farmer and head possibilitarian here at Red Bird dedicated to helping you unearth goodness and the healing sense of the divine in nature for your wellbeing.

(*I named this beautiful company as an ode to my kindergarten teacher.)

About unearthing goodness for wellbeing...


💗 Because of how it makes you feel.

💗 Because of the powerful messages it reflects back to you.

💗 Because of how it supports this restorative lifestyle vision you have - inside and out - for living your even better life, now.

You see, that space that surrounds your being as more than a pretty place - it's precious real-living-estate.

It's your close-up chance to commune in and with the stress-neutralizing everyday nature around you.

💗 Because it's a tool, talisman, touchstone for the wellbeing you're growing inside.

💗 Because it's a pathway, portal, passage to a renewed you - a mind, body. soul, nature recharging station.

💗 Because it helps you nurture the best of who you are.

And you're right.

It is more than a yard, patio, balcony.

It is your place to commune and connect within and with the divinity that you sense in Mother Nature.

It is your safe space to relax, to turn down the noise, tune into your knowing, and just be yourself.

You go outdoors to fill up, to get grounded, let go and lean in.

Or at least, you'd like to.

You feel more like yourself, more natural and in your groove, when you're outside. But there's something missing from your everyday routine and outdoor space that keeps you from connecting deeper inside and truly thriving outside.

Not as beautiful as you'd like? Not as meaningful? Not as healing? Not bringing that feeling?

Listen, you're in hot pursuit of stress-relief, serenity, and bliss - inside and out. You might even call it a crusade. I get it.

And frankly, your outsides aren't matching your insides. There's a disconnect, a dullness, a gap between you and the space you're wishing for - a stylish sanctuary that speaks YOU.

That ache you have for a nature escape hatch from worry, pressure, performance, where you can catch your breath, find pleasure in natural things, feel creative and recharge your soul's batteries, that's possible!

...and that's what brought us TOGETHER, HERE.

Your space can be your hallelujah backup choir to your restorative, wellness lifestyle where notes of peaceful and sacred nourish-ship are sung for you, your senses and the needs of your heart.

You're in the RIGHT, BRIGHT PLACE, my beautiful friend!

Hi hi, I'm P. Annie Kirk (you can call me Annie Red Bird), and CPO (Chief Possibilitarian Officer), Sanctuary Coach & Curator as well as Red Bird Restorative Gardens design consultancy Principal.

My passion is helping holistically-inclined, wellness-minded, style-keen souls transform everyday outdoor space into healing garden happy places that empower a mind-body-soul-nature connected lifestyle and grow health, wealth and happiness.

With the right touch, the right information, the right intuition that slice o' green right outside your door can be serene, reflecting YOU and renewing YOU.

After nearly three decades blending research, art, a love of style and fashion and heaps of heart, I've worked with hundreds of serenity-space starved hyper-helper types. As a recovering over-helper myself and in the season of my mastery, having coached and worked on countless design projects from large to teeny-tiny and my own lifelong mystical experience, I know:

...a place to escape that's draped in NATURE - where you can catch your BREATH and FEEL back in sync with POSSIBILITIES and how beautiful the world and you are - goes a long way in supporting peace, health... and refueling inspiration and creativity.

I practice my own restorative and replenishing Sanctuary Lifestyle, on the daily - from the inside out, centered around my intimate connection with nature, where my practices and everyday living moments are made richer, deeper, more peaceful because my soul finds rest and repair from my surroundings here on our farm.


You can have that space your soul is longing for where you feel light and delight...

Through coaching, consulting, design, and events, I help my clients and students in finding, creating and cultivating a sacred sense of self and sanctuary space that are:

  • personal, everyday expressions of the paradise they need right outside their door, size no matter,

  • stylish sanctuaries, reflecting back that intimate and divine signature of a soul’s essence (that sometimes, in the muck of it all, we so dearly need reminding),

  • places of nourish-ship to take good care, grow peace and health, and cultivate change that empower personal growth and wellness

  • transformative to person, place and planet and have life-changing results.

"Seeing the garden like this is liberating. You have an innate ability to guide and provide accessibility to the limitless joys and wonders that Mother Earth has to offer." -A.E.

So are you ready...?

  • For a beautiful space that renews you every time you enter it because it's about you and intended for your wellbeing.

  • For a personal, everyday oasis that gives you unapologetic delight and unabashed bursts of laughter because it reflects back to you a better sense of your precious self.

  • For a nature space that is both wild AND serene to nurture the softness, strength and greatness of who you are determined to live out in your life and see back in yourself.

  • For a homecoming back to yourself, your worth and the Sanctuary Within TM that stirs your soul where you find that you are your own Sanctuary and soft place to land.

I CAN HELP. It would be one of my biggest privileges, honestly.

And I believe it's in your nature to be Sanctuary and create the space your soul is longing for to express this... where you feel Light and Delight. 

How good would it feel to receive the help you deserve to connect in and turn up the energy of your satisfaction and impact of how you want to feel and live?

How enchanted would it be to realize your dream of a personalized restorative outdoor retreat-yourself space aligned with your spirit, style and season of life?

Your space for greatness, that restores you and supports your thriving is waiting to bloom.

Let's talk transformation.


HER Sanctuary Coaching | Courses | Community
Find, Create & Cultivate Sanctuary within & around you.

Red Bird Restorative Gardens Design | Consultancy
Create restorative, healing gardens & outdoor wellness spaces.

“Once upon a time, when women were birds, there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy. The birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be celebrated.”​



(Annie Red Bird's heart of reason for Red Bird & Co.'s existence.)


I believe landscape heals when designed purposefully and reverently and lived in meaningfully and intentionally. It is in your nature, naturally, to seek thriving outside and healing inside.


I believe that all built landscapes should be restorative to person, place, planet and all human influenced changes in nature must be to promote and propagate wellness. This gold standard becomes the foundation for "good design" and is universal health and wellbeing care as we do our part, one garden at a time, to decrease stress, the root of all dis-ease. 


I believe that connecting with Nature's rhythm helps us to restore our own rhythm, wisdom, frequency, and sense of true self. This enables stress to slip away and self acceptance and self love to pour in.


I believe that beauty around you helps you to remember the Divine beauty, Grace and sacredness within you and by reclaiming your personal Sacred Beauty Code™ you improve the quality of your life experiences, vibration, wellbeing and choices.


I believe when we collectively treat the Earth more lovingly it becomes only natural to then treat each other (and ourselves) more lovingly. This is the power of the ripple effect.


I believe my company’s mission is to help empower you to live OUT your true nature and potential because of and through flourishing IN beautiful everyday Nature's sanctity. 


I believe that when YOUR environment FEELS empowering, for you, you tune in, turn on and tap into Divine possibilities.


P. Annie Kirk, BSW, MLA, ASLA, ANLD, Associate APLD is the Founder and Creative Director of Red Bird & Co, the parent company and healing nature-integrated, outdoor lifestyle and education collaboratory of H.E.R. Sanctuary Coaching and Red Bird Restorative Gardens Design Consultancy. 

She has been consulting, designing, teaching and advocating for restorative landscapes for the mainstream for nearly three decades to integrate everyday life with the healing power of the natural world by fusing design, styling, plants and research at an intimate scale.

Annie, a thought-leading champion for healing and life-enhancing gardens and outdoor living spaces, has lent her voice, energies, and collaborations to volunteerism, publications, presentations, and research.

Annie served as Special Programs Chair of the Healthcare and Therapeutic Design Professional Practice Network and contributed the chapter "Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities: Thriving through Creative Retrofitting" in Re-creating Neighborhoods for Successful Aging (Health Press Professionals, 2009). 

She has been featured in Yoga Journal, Social Work Today, FutureAge and numerous trade publications and podcasts.

With a cross-discipline education in Social Work, Landscape Architecture, and Biomedical Research, Annie brings a unique perspective and expertise to residential, wellness, and commercial garden design, care, use and advocacy.

Her intentional design and consulting practice involves collaborating with clients to co-create outdoor spaces that support the health and wellness of the people who live, work, play there and community beyond. 

A past OSU Master Gardener, member of American Society of Landscape Architects, Association of Professional Landscape Designers, Association of Northwest Landscape Designers and graduate of the esteemed Chicago School of Healthcare Garden Design, Annie is an ambassadress of Sanctuary sacred spaces, and Restorative Garden Lifestyles that make people feel better, a possibilitarian, kindness promoter, imbiber of many a green smoothie made from her own garden and a flower farmer.


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If you purposefully want to positively impact your inner landscape, wellbeing, and create peace, harmony, beauty, and balance that is meaningful to person, place, and planet, welcome in and welcome out.

It would be an honor to be of service. Please make yourself home here and let's get to making space for good shift to happen!

Find what you need for unearthing goodness for your wellbeing in one of these 3 ways:

AUTHENTIC, CREATIVE, SOMETIMES FUNNY, and always exploring the nexus of the sacred in person, place, and wellbeing.

Honestly, we treat our newsletters like flowers - sometimes wild, sometimes in bloom, and always supporting wellbeing. We share resources, offerings, and happenings from a unique intersection of nature, spirituality, design, personal growth and life. If this piques your interest, you’ve found a home here at Red Bird. Welcome in. Welcome out.

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ⓒ 2025 Acer Institute LLC & Red Bird & Co. | All rights reserved